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is a style of black metal which relies on heavy incorporation of atmospheric, sometimes dreamy textures, and is therefore less aggressive. It often features synthesizers or classical instrumentation, typically for melody or ethereal "shimmering" over the wall of sound provided by the guitars. The music is usually slow to mid paced with rare blast beat usage, without any abrupt changes and generally features slowly developing, sometimes repetitive melodies and riffs, which separate it from other black metal styles. Subject matter usually concerns nature, folklore, mythology, and personal introspection. The birth of the genre dates back to 1993 when Burzum and other contemporary bands experimented and inserted in their compositions less obsessive rhythms, creating magical atmospheres mostly inspired by the lord of the rings.

BEST BANDS » Gruppi » BurzumBURZUM

Forgotten wood

Blut aus Nord

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Elderwind Abstract Void Unreqvited Emyn Muil Violet Cold Sojourner
Hermóðr Astwind Ered Wethrin Sorrow Plagues Wonders Of Nature ODE
Forest Paysage d'hiver Anomalie Nokturnal Mortum Veldes Lascar
VVIDERNESS Alrakis Mare Cognitum Gray Souvenirs Flamen Faunalord
Ennoven Ered Wethrin Melankoli The Lost Sun Esotis Wilds Forlorn
Ethere Igric Eternal Valley Vinterland Idaaliur Fear of Eternity
Noesis Arcthuris A light in the dark Moonlight Drowns Alatyr Einsamtod
Хлад Sviatibor Ny Skognatt Infernus Presence Antlers
Oubliette Myrkur Year Of No Light Darkeater Darkspace  Vietah
Lumnos Moondweller Deadly Carnage Mesarthim Panopticon Yarek Ovich
Wormlight Eskapism Frostreich Realm of Wolves Shadowland Distant Dream
Tartaros Aeon Winds The Howling Void Grá Nebula Orionis Nicrotek
Null Urfaust Nargaroth Bilskirnir Schattenfall Pure Wrath
GreyAblaze Erebos Himinbjorg Whitewurm Drudkh Enid
Shroud Ritual Frostveil Dynfari Winterlore Naðra Radogor
ColdWorld werendia Archivist Vinterriket Enisum Slow
Mask Kres Solbrud Ultar Utstøtt All the Cold
Antlers SvartmÁlm Opprobre Breath Of Wind Nachteule Glaciär
Wodensthrone Sieghetnar Wilt Tombs Fable Striborg
Оркестр Утопленников Torrens Conscientium Mourning by Morning Progenie Terrestre Pura Release The Long Ships Moongates Guardian
Firtan  Dwarrowdelf Synodic  Skyborne Reveries Fuath  Gallowbraid 
Spell of Dark A Pale December werendia Perennial Isolation Nightbringer Howling North
Midnight Odyssey Howling in the Fog Bonjour Tristesse Earth and Pillars stories from the lost Keys of Orthanc
Dark Oath Branikald Austral Nox Dreams Of Nature Liquid Cemetery SAD
Lunar Hollow Byrhtnoth Svältvinter  Falaise Basarabian Hills Krestfallen 
Wintaar  Darkenhöld Evilfeast  Kinstrife & Blood Gherzen  Morrow
Strunkiin  Theoria  Celéne  Morphinist  Àrsaidh  Délétère 
Entardecer  Finster  Etheraldine  Black Kalmar Skull Alaic  Nychts 
Ezkaton  Aureole  Vature  Armorer  Frozen Dreams ['selvə]
Laurie Traski Vreid Erancnoir The Great Cold Ofdrykkja  Varde 
Together to the Stars Legacy Of Emptiness Wisdom Of Shadows Melancholic Journey Unreality In One's Self  
Theresia Arkhtinn Solar Temple Hæthen Windark Iskald
Hoth  Nurez Liveride Without Dreams Stryvigor  Noesis
Thy Dying Light Loth  Kaoteon Burial Hordes Arathorn Vials Of Wrath
Darkenhold  Barren Canyon Void Ritual Windir  Wayfarer Valdrin 
The Ruins Of Beverast ElixiR of distress Omnianthropy  Vihan Messu wigrid Harakiri for the Sky
Omgeving Narrenwind Âme Perdue Délice All My Sins Zommm
UADA Sacrificia Soul Dissolution The Wolf Garden Krummholz Vale
Friisk Muireterium Svrm Belliciste Moonblood Starcaller 
Ellende  Beorn's Hall Gloomy Grim  Time Lurker Swan Messiah Ambrotos 
Abduction  Murdryck  Hyperion  Kvele Lord of the North Nordjevel 
Feralia Talven  Kval Linwe  Solemne mortis Sons of wanted man
Dolorangst Nott  Uklarhet Nova Rame  Mörkvind 
Ortsul Helgafell Zaratus  Kloct  Raventhorn  Witherer 
Mortal Svoghast Misertus  Dark Watcher Rites to Sedition Askefruer 
Woeful Echo Felonías  Weltenasche  Mádra  Witcher  Dispersion 
Pénitence Onirique Withering Worlds Ushangvagush  FEN Havukruunu Ebon arcanum